Gen-AI for
Gen-AI for Education

Empowering Educators
Access over 20+ incredible AI tools to create original, standard-aligned content tailored for your students.
Design AI-materials
Craft personalized learnable, assessment, and role-play scenarios in one-one conversations, tailored to your unique learning objectives and materials.
AI-powered student insight
Gain deep insights into each student's learning journey with Red Tree's AI-powered analysis.
24/7 Customer support
Red Tree provides 1-1 onboarding calls for teachers to virtual trainings, our customer support is here to ensure your journey with Red Tree smooth.
Safety & Privacy First
We don’t use student chat data for AI training, allowing complete educator control over AI interactions. Ensure a safe, on-topic, and secure learning environment for your students.
Future with Red Tree
Join the forefront of educational innovation with Red Tree's AI program. Be a part of a dynamic community of forward-thinking educators and shape the future of learning.
AI-learning at your school.
Red Tree partners with schools at every step to bring the power of AI-learning to every students.